Entry 2

My first big surprise when I moved in was that all of my roommates were lesbians, well all but one. I have no problem with lesbians, I want that noted. I have even considered hopping on the lady train myself sometimes. The issue with living with lesbians is not that you think they are checking you out when you get out of the shower or anything generic and stupid like that. My biggest issue is that they all have girlfriends and smoke a lot of pot. At the risk of sounding crude, they kind of make the entire apartment smell like weed and vagina. And not like just regular vagina that is relatively odorless, like hippie post-sex vagina. Yeah, that smell. I hope you don’t know it.

Thanks to the power of Febreze and a few basic household cleaners I was able to eradicate this problem, but not the slight crush on my roommate’s girlfriend. Does that make me gay?


More importantly they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They almost had a fight once and it was ridiculously polite, but not in that Upper East Side ‘I’m only being nice so I can destroy you later’ kind of way. They really do care about the other person’s needs. They are opening to sharing and despite the fact that I am clearly an outsider with my Midwestern ways they have tried to not make me feel like the boring one who goes to bed early to wake up for work.

My only concern is that there is apparently some guy moving in soon. I am getting the impression that he is a scrawny slightly gay kid, so it should be all good. Here’s to new friends!